Urban planning concept for Yuzhny satellite town

Project description

Work on the project is organized in cooperation with European University Center for Applied Research in Saint Petersburg and architectural company

The main project goal was to make a conceptual vision that will be a
guide for engineers, designers, PR team and other experts, implementing
the biggest satellite town project in Russia.

Work performed during the project

  1. Analysis of current trends in modern city development, trends in Saint Petersburg development: comprehensive analysis of surrounding areas:
    current situation and plans for economic, social and infrastructural developmentin the south of Saint Petersburg metropolitan area.
  2. Forming various spatial development scenarios and urban environment
  3. Case study on Russian and international practices for satellite town
  4. Analysis of potential stakeholders, working on a concept for ITMO University innovative campus as a satellite town main economic driver.
  5. Proposals of housing and other real estate typologies; forming typical
    images of future residents based on sociological research.
  6. Intoducing smart city solutions for the city.
  7. Juridical mechanisms for satellite town implementation.
  8. Making a financial model for implementation of Yuzhny satellite town

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