Urban planning strategy for Achinsk – Urbanica

Urban planning strategy for Achinsk

Main project goals

  • Defining main directions for spatial development of the town of Achinsk, regarding socio-economic climate, state of infrastructure and main drivers for town development.
  • Proposing a comprehensive development plan with a new vision for public spaces, courtyards, street design, public transit and transit hubs.
  • Creating a roadmap of projects for enhancement of urban environment and tools for implementation, including rational budget investments, improvement of rules and regulations, ways of partnerships with investors, businessmen and public.

Work performed during the project

  1. Comprehensive urban environment audit during the field trip with further analysis of collected data.
  2. GIS data analysis as a base for future proposals.
  3. Creating a system of cross-scale projects – town/district/human scale – to connect the development on each level.
  4. Creating project visualisations, calculating the net cost of projects, defining the source of investments.
  5. A number of project sessions with public, businessman, investors, administration, activists.

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